Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues Quote

[At Madison Square Park, Ron runs into Jack Lime and his team]Ron Burgundy: [shocked]What the hell?
Jack Lime: Well, hello, Ron. You out for a jog?
Ron Burgundy: Jack Lime! [Parents and children scatter away]
Ron Burgundy: Where's everyone going? Please, I don't have time to talk, okay? I have to be somewhere.
Jack Lime: Well, that's funny. 'Cause I got nowhere to be because you pretty much destroyed my career. Do you realize what it did to me, by making myself call me Jack Lame? [yells]
Jack Lime: It was a living hell! [panting]
Ron Burgundy: I'm telling you, you have to let me go!
Jack Lime: Oh, don't worry. Four against one. This'll be over fast.
Brian Fantana: Maybe not so fast! [Champ, Brick, and Brian appear to the rescue]
Ron Burgundy: My news team! Thank God!
Champ Kind: Ain't a day that will be or has been that we don't Ron Burgundy's back.
Jack Lime: Not a problem. When I done with these mutts, I gonna wipe my shoes on the curb.
Brick Tamland: Oh, yeah, Jack Lime? When I'm done with you, my mom's gonna pick me up and take me home.

Movie: Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues


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