All I Want for Christmas Quotes

Ethan: Now look, Hallie, you can ask for toys, parakeets, hair care products, I don't care. But you may not ask for anything to do with interpersonal relationships! Got it? This is Santa Claus, not Dear Abby.

Movie: All I Want for Christmas
Marshall: [to Ethan] After we get your parents back together, help me split up mine!

Movie: All I Want for Christmas
Michael O'Fallon: How's my favorite ex-mother-in-law and second lady of the American theatre?
Lillian Brooks: Fine. And quite happy to see you. Though I can't say the same for your ex-wife, though you haven't even asked about her yet.

Movie: All I Want for Christmas
Santa's Helper: Sucker?
Ethan O'Fallon: You're telling me.

Movie: All I Want for Christmas