After Office Hours Quotes

Hank Parr: You got a mind like Einstein, boss.

James 'Jim' Branch: Thanks!

Hank Parr: I mean Mac Einstein, that runs the lunchroom down on Beesy Street.

Movie: After Office Hours
Sharon Norwood: Why did you lie to me?

James 'Jim' Branch: If you were looking at what I'm looking at you'd know why I lied to you.

Movie: After Office Hours
Sharon Norwood: Why did you lie to me?

James 'Jim' Branch: If you were looking at what I'm looking at you'd know why I lied to you.

Movie: After Office Hours
Sharon Norwood: Why did you lie to me?
James 'Jim' Branch: If you were looking at what I'm looking at you'd know why I lied to you.

Movie: After Office Hours