After Quotes

Ana: If none of this is real, then why can't we just imagine ourselves out of here?
Freddy: Well, try it. I have.

Movie: After
Freddy: In my opinion, there's nothing like a good 'to-be-continued'.

Movie: After
[Ana and Freddy have attempted to drive out of the town of Pearl, when they come to the Wall of Apparent Stone and Black Fog]Freddy: The hell?
Ana: What is it? [Freddy investigates, then runs back to the car]
Freddy: Drive.

Movie: After
Freddy: Tell me what you remember after the bus. [Ana looks at him fearfully]

Movie: After
[Freddy has been calculating when the Wall of Apparent Stone and Black Fog will encroach upon the center of the town of Pearl, where they are]Freddy: It'll take roughly 64, 65 hours to get there.
Ana: That's less than three days!

Movie: After
[It's only afternoon, but the Wall of Apparent Stone and Black Fog is approaching]Freddy: It's already getting dark.
Ana: It's blocking the sun.

Movie: After
Freddy: It could be something else, like an alternate universe or another dimension.

Movie: After
[Freddy and Anna are at the deserted hospital, but listening to an ongoing recording of two doctors talking]Ana: They're talking about someone's brain.

Movie: After
[in the deserted hospital]Ana: What are you looking for?
Freddy: My room.

Movie: After
[At the door with uncountable keys, Freddy searches for one that will open the way]Freddy: Maybe I'll get lucky.
Ana: Don't count on it.

Movie: After
Ana: Are you sure you know how to do this?
Freddy: Yeah. I was kind of a pyro in high school.

Movie: After
Ana: Maybe we should just stay here. I have a basement.
Freddy: This whole house will be gone in a couple of hours.

Movie: After
[talking about the darkness]Ana: How do we get out?
Freddy: I think we've got to go through it. [He lifts his hand into the Wall of Apparent Stone and Dark Fog]

Movie: After
[Freddy approaches the Wall of Apparent Stone and Dark Fog, and sees that tendrils of black fog are fingering and inching toward their car]Freddy: It's moving.
Ana: What?
Freddy: Get in the car! [Freddy and Ana jump back into the car, and after the car stalls, its battery affected by the fog, they are able to reverse and return to town]

Movie: After
[from the trailer]Ana: [looking worriedly through the car's windshield]What is that?
Freddy: The darkness. In three days, everything will be gone.

Movie: After
Freddy: I'm not going to let you die, Ana. Just don't follow me.

Movie: After
[Ana is looking at his artwork]Freddy: I don't remember doing any of those.

Movie: After
Freddy: I feel like I know you from somewhere else.

Movie: After
[last lines]Ana: Remember?
Freddy: Almost.

Movie: After