As Told by Ginger Quotes

Carl Foutley: Mom, where's the super strength masking tape?
Lois Foutley: In the crisper, where you left it.

TV Show: As Told by Ginger
Courtney Gripling: Hello, Ginger. Podie. Stacy.
Macie Lightfoot: Actually, she's Podie. I'm Stacy.

TV Show: As Told by Ginger
[Lois, Carl, Ginger, and Hoodsey are watching old home movies. In the movie, Grandma Foutley is tossing Carl up in the air. She throws him into a ceiling lamp]
Carl Foutley: Hey!
Ginger Foutley: That certainly explains a lot.

TV Show: As Told by Ginger