12 Years a Slave Quotes

Brown: Circus too constricting a word to describe the talented and merry band with which we travel. It is a spectacle unlike most have ever witnessed. Creatures from the darkest Africa as yet unseen by civilized man. Acrobats from the Orient able to contort themselves in the most confounding manners.
Hamilton: And I myself in aide of Mr. Brown; an internationally renowned practitioner in the art of prestidigitation.

Movie: 12 Years a Slave
Tibeats: My name is John Tibeats, William Ford's chief carpenter. You will refer to me as Master. Mister Chapin is the overseer on this plantation. He is responsible for all of Ford's property. You too will refer to him as Master. This plantation covers many hundreds of acres, and you will traverse the Texas road between the forest site and the sawmill in double time. Any clever nigger on that path that gets a little light-footed, I will remind him that on one side men and bloodhounds patrol the border and on the other the bayou provides a hard living, with alligators and little to eat or drink that won't kill you. No slave has escaped here with his life. You're here to work niggers, so let's commence.

Movie: 12 Years a Slave
Patroller: [in a vain attempt to escape, Solomon runs into some patrollers who are fixing to hang a trio of slaves]Boy, where are you going?
Solomon Northup: To the store, Sir, to Bartholomew's. I was sent there by Mistress Epps.
Patroller: [the patroller reaches out for Solomon's free pass around his neck, yanking him forward. He looks at it]Get there and get there quick. [Patroller kicks Solomon hard, sending him on his way]

Movie: 12 Years a Slave
[first lines] Overseer: Alright now, y'all fresh niggers. Y'all gonna be in the cuttin' gang.

Movie: 12 Years a Slave
Bass: [sigh]I will write your letter, sir. And if it brings you your freedom, it will be more than a pleasure. It will have been my duty.

Movie: 12 Years a Slave
Mistress Epps: Sometimes, you have to beat it from them. [she scratches Patsey's face; Patsey screams]
Mistress Epps: BEAT IT FROM THEM!

Movie: 12 Years a Slave
Tibeats: [after being punched out by Solomon over an argument]You will not live to see another day!

Movie: 12 Years a Slave
Radburn: Jus takin' a li'l trip, tha's all. Don't want to frighten the chil'ren none over a li'l boat ride, do yah?

Movie: 12 Years a Slave
Freeman: Put the least thought in your head. C'mon, now. Think of somethin'.

Movie: 12 Years a Slave
Tibeats: I thought I told yah ta commence ta puttin' on clapboards this morn'.

Movie: 12 Years a Slave