Zootopia Quote

Nick Wilde: [after Nick relates his story to Judy]I learned two things that day: one, that I was never going to let anyone see that they got to me.
Judy Hopps: And... two?
Nick Wilde: That if the world's only going to see a fox as shifty and untrustworthy, there's no point in being anything else.
Judy Hopps: [places her paw on Nick's arm]Nick, you are so much more than that.
Nick Wilde: [shrinks away]Boy, we've got some traffic down there, we should check the jam-cams! [holds up cell and asks someone to check the jam-cams]
Judy Hopps: Nick, I'm glad you told me.
Nick Wilde: Jam-cams...
Judy Hopps: Seriously.
Nick Wilde: No, no, wait. [grabs Judy's arm and turns her around]
Nick Wilde: There are traffic cameras located all around the city...

Movie: Zootopia


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