Wrestlemania V (V) Quote

Gene Okerlund: With me at this time, manager Bobby "The Brain" Heenan. And I'm privileged to be standing next to the most extraordinary athlete of all time. He is not elected until this date to challenge Hulk Hogan for the heavyweight championship. And this afternoon at Wrestlemania III Bobby Heenan, your man, Andre the Giant will be doing just that.
Bobby Heenan: You bet he's going to be doing just that. He's going to become the heavyweight champion of the world and I'll tell you why. First of all, the man is undefeated in over 15 years as a professional athlete. Hulk Hogan has never been in the ring or met a man bigger than him, stronger than him, taller than him, outweighs more than him, and with a burning will inside more than Andre the Giant. You see Hogan, few short hours from now that clock is ticking. And it's ticking in our direction not yours. Hulkamania is over. Hulkamania is dead. The doors going to be shut on the history books on Hulk Hogan once and for all. There is a new heavyweight champion of the world. The odds on favorite in Las Vegas and all over the whole wrestling world, they're picking Andre the Giant. Nobody can defeat this man. Nobody even can come close to defeating this man. And Hogan, I know it's happening to you now because it's happening to me. The butterflies are in my stomach. The adrenaline's flowing thru my veins and I'm getting ready. Cause I'm gonna manage the heavyweight champion of the world. And Hogan, hey you've had three good years. You've got nothing to look back on. But it's all over. Andre the Giant, the new heavyweight champion of the world.
Gene Okerlund: The biggest heavyweight title bout of all time. Andre the Giant to meet Hulk Hogan.

Movie: Wrestlemania V (V)


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