Winnie the Pooh Quote

[Pooh, Rabbit, Owl, Eeyore, Kanga and Roo are trapped in a hole, while Piglet is outside of the hole]Rabbit: [to Piglet]Go look for something to get us out of here!
Piglet: [hiding under a teacup]B-b-b-b-b-b-but-okay. There m-m-m-might be something over by the pack. [leaves]
Rabbit: [sighs]Thank goodness one of us is up there. I was worried we'd be stuck here forever.
Piglet: I found something! [comes back with a flower]
Piglet: Here!
Rabbit: What?
Pooh: Ooh, well, that's a lovely flower, Piglet.
Piglet: Yeah, I thought so, too.
Rabbit: Yes, Piglet, it-it's very nice... perennial. But I think we need something *longer*.
Piglet: Longer? Of course. How silly of me. [giggles, leaves again and comes back with a big book]
Rabbit: Oh, good thought, Piglet. But you can't possibly think that that's long enough.
Piglet: Oh, yes, it is. Uh, Owl read this to me once and it was certainly the longest thing I'VE ever heard. [the book falls into the hole and lands on Pooh's head]
Pooh: It's true, Rabbit. It lags a bit in the middle.

Movie: Winnie the Pooh


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