What Happens Next Quote

[first lines]Paul: [voiceover]My day starts at 6: 30 AM. I don't need an alarm clock. I wake up every day and dress for my role as CEO. That means fifty tailored suits at all times. Right now I have fifty-four. Dress shirts - very important: one-twenty-eight; crisp white - always best; an occasional pale yellow or blue. Now, a tie says everything about a man. Silk. Ties should only be silk: eighty stripes; a dozen solids. Oh, and one rogue paisley my sister bought me in Palm Beach - probably hammered at noon. Shoes: black and brown; lace-up only. Well, if this all sounds like much of the same, it's because it is. My routine, my life, my business served me well for thirty-one years, yet today I am cashing it all in. And, for the fist time in my life, I'll be working for someone else. That's a big change for me - and I'm not real good with change, as you can tell.

Movie: What Happens Next


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