We Bought a Zoo Quote

[first lines]Dylan Mee: My dad is a writer who specialized in adventure.
Benjamin Mee: This is Benjamin Mee. I am surrounded by hundreds, probably thousands of killer bees. If I wasn't wearing this suit, I would be dead in an instant.
Dylan Mee: He interviewed dangerous dictators.
Hugo Chavez: Take this message to that American cowboy. We already gave a 10 billion dollar oil credit to China. Swallow that, Mr. Danger!
Benjamin Mee: What's your favorite movie?
Hugo Chavez: Toy Story. [to his staff]
Hugo Chavez: The first one or the second one?
Segundo: The second.
Dylan Mee: He even flew into the center of Hurricane Charley.
Benjamin Mee: [shouting over air noise]How far are we from the eye?
Pilot: About two minutes. This hurricane, sir, Charley is really kneading us well, sir.
Benjamin Mee: Tell me when it gets severe!
Dylan Mee: He knew the ins and outs of strange and exotic adventure, backwards and forwards. But nothing prepared him for this one.

Movie: We Bought a Zoo


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