Very Good Girls Quotes

Lilly: I'm afraid of dying.
David: I'm afraid of not doing anything while I'm still here.
Lilly: I don't think there's much chance of that.

Movie: Very Good Girls
Lilly: I'm trying to tell you the truth. You hurt me.
David: So you had to hurt me back, right? [chuckles]
David: You know, you really are full of shit. You keep this up, and there won't be anyone left to play with, you understand?

Movie: Very Good Girls
David: No one buys ice cream on Tuesdays. What are you doing?
Lilly: No one takes boat tours on Tuesdays.

Movie: Very Good Girls
Gerri: [about her father]He was always so quiet. Just like now.

Movie: Very Good Girls
Edward: People aren't perfect, kiddo. They make mistakes. Sometimes it's harder to forgive yourself than to get somebody else to do it. But, people will surprise you.

Movie: Very Good Girls
Lilly: I can't do it.
Gerri: Yes, you can. The question is: Will you?

Movie: Very Good Girls
David: [to Lilly]I believe you want me to tell you things you already know.

Movie: Very Good Girls
Field Family Friend: [eulogizing]All right, folks. We all know Danny was a man of, and for the people. He also was a sexy son-of-a-bitch.

Movie: Very Good Girls
Gerri: I got it in the mail yesterday, so I guess that was his... his way of making sure that you'd see it.
Lilly: No. It was his way of making sure that we'd see each other.

Movie: Very Good Girls
Lilly: Did mom talk to you about coming back?
Edward: Yeah.
Lilly: Are you?
Edward: I don't know.
Edward: You could just die and none of this would matter.

Movie: Very Good Girls
Danny: [at the grill]Ladies and gentlemen can we have a little attention, please? Can we have your attention? Uh, we're about to commence the cooking ritual, as they used to say in the International Workers of the World, by any means necessary. [pumping a fist]
Danny: And so I think we need a sacrifice. So is there a virgin here?

Movie: Very Good Girls