V H S Quote

[Joey records the four friends in the woods having a little smoke together]Spider: Are you guys doing drugs?
Joey: [Samantha laughs]What?
Samantha: He fuckin' calls it drugs!
Joey: Wait, I gotta get this.
Spider: Are you guys doing drugs right now. Seriously?
Samantha: No, oh, my god, Spider, the look on your face right now...
Spider: No, seriously.
Wendy: Spider, can I tell you something?
Spider: Okay.
Wendy: You're a fucking dweeb.
Spider: Whatever, I don't - I don't do drugs. How 'bout that? How's that sound?
Samantha: Spider, why. What's wrong? Why do you look so scared. Just take a hit.
Spider: I'm... scared of getting the fear.
Samantha: What?
Joey: What?
Spider: The fear. You never heard of that? [Joey and Samantha laugh simultaneously]
Spider: Don't laugh. Don't laugh! I'm serious. The fear. You know, when you do too many drugs and then you get, like, all freaked out and crazy.
Samantha: Spider, there's no fucking such thing as the fear.
Joey: Just take a hit, bro.
Samantha: Take a fucking hit and chill out!
Joey: Come on!
Spider: I'll take a hit if you don't film it.
Samantha: Promise.
Joey: Okay. [Samantha hands him the smoke and Joey continues to record]

Movie: V H S


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