True Blood Quote

Godric: [catching her by the throat] Retract... your fangs. Now. I neither know or care who you are. But in this area and certainly in this nest, I am the authority. Do you understand?
Lorena: Yes sheriff.
Godric: [about Sookie] This human has proven to be a courageous and loyal friend to our kind. And yet you treat her like a child does a dragonfly. Pulling off wings for sport. No wonder they hate us.
Lorena: She provoked me.
Godric: And you have provoked me. You have disrupted the peace in my own home. I could snap you like a twig and I haven't. Why is that?
Lorena: It's your choice.
Godric: Indeed it is. You're old vampire. I can tell. You've had hundreds of years to better yourself, yet you are still a savage. I fear for us all. Humans and vampires, if this behavior persists.

TV Show: True Blood


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