TRON Quote

Master Control Program: [Keyboard clacks as Flynn gains access to the system] You shouldn't have come back, Flynn.
Kevin Flynn: Hey, hey, hey, it's the Master Control Program everybody's talking about.
Master Control Program: [Calmly] Sit right there; make yourself comfortable. Remember the time we used to play chess together?
Master Control Program: [Flynn continues typing] That isn't going to do you any good, Flynn. [Flynn launches a compute-intensive program]
Master Control Program: I'm afraid... stop, please. You realize I cannot allow this!
Kevin Flynn: How are you going to control the universe if you can't answer a few unsolvable problems? Come on, big fella, let's see what you got.
Master Control Program: I'd like to go against you and see what your made of.
Kevin Flynn: You know, you look nothing like your pictures.
Master Control Program: I'm warning you. You're entering a big error, Flynn. [Manipulates dematerialization gun and targets Flynn]
Master Control Program: I'm going to have to put you on the game grid.
Kevin Flynn: Games? You want games? I'll give you games. I'll... [Klaxon blares; dematerialization gun fires at Flynn]

Movie: TRON


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