Trailer Park Boys Quote

Julian: J-Roc, where's this guy at anyway?
J-Roc: Chill out, Julian. Cyrus'll be here in a minute, ya know what I'm sayin'?
Julian: Cyrus?!
Ricky: What the fuck are you doing working with Cyrus?
Cyrus: Well well well... If it isn't the big, tough Julianne... and the Hubble-bubble telescope... and Helmet Head.
Bubbles: (under his breath) Fuckin' call me a telescope...
Cyrus: Ladies! The boss is home...It's been a long time no see, dickweeds. (pulls a gun)
Ricky: Why don't you take your little gun and fuck off, Cyrus.
Cyrus: (chambers a round) Why don't we fuck on?!

TV Show: Trailer Park Boys


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