There Will Be Blood Quote

Plainview : [ Eli is intending to bless the well ] I thank you all so much for visiting with us at this time. I've had the pleasure of meeting some of you, and I hope very much in the months to come, I'll be able to visit with each and every one of you. Ah... I'm better at digging holes in the ground than making speeches, so let's forget the speech for this evening, and just make it a simple blessing. You see- one man doesn't prospect from the ground; it takes a whole community of good people, such as yourselves... and, uh, this is good. We stay together... pray together, we work together, and if the good Lord smiles kindly on our endeavor, we share in the wealth together. Now before we spud in Mary's Well number one, named for the lovely Miss Mary Sunday here by my side-a proud daughter of these hills-I'd just like to say God bless these honest labors of ours, and, of course, God bless you all. Amen.

Movie: There Will Be Blood


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