The Virgin Queen Quotes

Robert Dudley - Earl of Leicester: If I am exiled they will see it as proof of my guilt, I'm done for! [Elizabeth is unmoved]
Robert Dudley - Earl of Leicester: All these months you kept me close you were using me. Playing with me for your own callous ends as you do all men! So long as I was married you were safe, and now I am free you spurn me! If I leave I won't return, Bess. It will be the last time you ever see me.
Queen Elizabeth I: [He turns to leave] I will have but one mistress here, and no master! Do you hear me? I will have no man rule over me!

Movie: The Virgin Queen
[Queen Elizabeth, a Protestant, displays a far more tolerant attitude to Catholics than Queen Mary, her Catholic sister, did towards Protestants]
Queen Elizabeth I: As for religion... Henceforce, all services will be conducted, not in Latin, but English, starting with my Coronation. How can my people understand the power of prayer unless they first understand its meaning? If they are to accept the Protestant faith, it must be through persuasion, not purges. Let the Catholics keep their crucifixes and robes, if they wish. There is but one Jesus Christ. The rest is trifles.

Movie: The Virgin Queen