The Usual Suspects Quote

McManus : What am I supposed to do with that? [ McManus throws bag of heroin at Redfoot. Redfoot catches it ]
Redfoot the Fence : I don't know, feed it to the gimp. Ease his pain; I don't know what that is. [ Redfoot throws bag at Verbal ]
McManus : What do you mean you don't know? [ Keaton lays a hand on McManus ]
Keaton : Shut up.
Redfoot the Fence : I don't know. I got thrown this job by some lawyer.
Keaton : Yeah? Who?
Redfoot the Fence : I don't know. Some limey. He's a middleman for someone, OK? He doesn't say, I don't ask.
McManus : You're full of shit.
Redfoot the Fence : Fuck you.
McManus : Fuck you.
Keaton : Listen to me. We want to meet him. OK?
Redfoot the Fence : That's funny. He called me last night, he says he wants to meet you guys.
Keaton : OK. We'll meet him. Good. Do that. No problem. Let's go. [ Keaton turns around, ready to leave. McManus grabs him ]
McManus : I don't like it, Dean. I don't like it. Wait a minute. One more thing, tough guy. Any more surprises, and I'm gonna kill you.
Redfoot the Fence : You're such a tough guy, McManus. Do me a favour, right. Get the fuck off my dick. [ Redfoot flicks his cigarette butt at McManus and it lands on McManus's eye ]
McManus : Fuck! [ McManus lunges at him in rage and has to be restrained by Keaton ]
Redfoot the Fence : Put a leash on that puppy. You know, it's an awful shame about Saul gettin' whacked. Cops'll be looking for the guys who did it. Sooner or later they're gonna come around asking me. You have a sweet night, ladies.

Movie: The Usual Suspects


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