The Usual Suspects Quote

[the gang has just arrived to meet RedFoot at his very fancy place. After they exchange hellos, RedFoot offers them some work]
Redfoot the Fence: You guys interested in some work? [McManus starts to say something but Keaton cuts him off]
McManus: We're on vacation.
Redfoot the Fence: [sighs disappointed, like the whole reason why this gang is here is so they could do work for him and could gladly pay them] I've got a ton of work and no good people.
McManus: What's the job? [Redfoot explains about this jewel and all. The gang takes the job, and like usual its violent and doesn't go very well. Afterwards when they meet RedFoot that night, they all seem pretty sore, and Redfoot ends with]
Redfoot the Fence: And do me a favor; get the f*ck off my d*ck! [with that he throws his lit cigarette at McManus's head. It makes a direct hit and a shower of spraks explode from it]
Redfoot the Fence: [McManus then lunges wildly for Redfoot but his gang holds him back preventing further violence. McManus gets a few last words in though]
McManus: Yeah! That dog's wild. Gotta keep him on leash.

Movie: The Usual Suspects


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