The Tudors Quote

King Henry VIII: My well beloved commons, I come here today to speak with you to set forth my mind and the secrets of my heart. There should be perfect love and concord in this realm but instead there is discord and dissension in every place. What love and charity is there amongst the clergy when one calls the other a heretic and anabaptist and another calls him papist and hypocrite? Are these tokens of charity amongst you? Are these the signs of fraternal love? The people look for light and you bring them darkness and as for the laity, you are not clean of malice and envy! For you slug and rebuke priests and bishops, you take it upon yourselves to judge the clergy by the sole light of your fantastical opinions and vain expositions. Although you are permitted to read holy scripture, you must understand that it is under license and only to inform your conscience, not to dispute and make scripture. I gave you the bible in your own tongue but I am sorry to see that that most precious jewel the word of God has been disputed, rhymed, sung and jangled in every ale house and tavern in this realm! I, whom God has appointed his vicar here, will see these divisions extinct and those enormities corrected or god should account me an unprofitable servant. Therefore, be of charity with one another, like brother and brother. Love, dread and serve God to which I, as your supreme head sovereign and lord exalt and require you and I doubt not. But that love and affinity which I spoke of at the beginning shall never be dissolved or broken between us.

TV Show: The Tudors


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