The Titan Quotes

Prof. Martin Collingwood: Our population has grown out of control. Our environment is in decay. Our resources have been depleted. Wars have ravaged our planet. We are fighting over the scraps of what remains. In ten years, half the planet will be uninhabitable. In 15 years, half the world's population will have starved to death. Time is running out. We've outgrown our home. Our children will witness the end of days.

Movie: The Titan
[first lines] Announcer: As nuclear fallout over the Pacific continues to fuel sandstorms over southern California. The last remaining pockets of residents were evacuated by the National Guard. The federal government, already struggling to keep up with flash floods in Long Beach and Venice, has declared Los Angeles uninhabitable.

Movie: The Titan
Prof. Martin Collingwood: No one attempts the impossible without belief in something greater than themselves. Even if that something is a someone.

Movie: The Titan
Prof. Martin Collingwood: Each of you is here because you understand the dire necessity of finding a new home for the human race. Maybe you're mad, ambitious, adventurous. But each of you has a rare willingness to put yourselves on the line for the sake of others.

Movie: The Titan
Prof. Martin Collingwood: Everybody evolves in a different way. But I know for a fact that if Rick doesn't have surgery within 48 hours, he will lose control of his emotions - and within 72 hours he will be dead [long pause, as camera shows both Rick and his wife Abby faces, no comments or reactions: Prof continues]
Prof. Martin Collingwood: All we can do is move forward [pregnant pause, camera close up on Rick's face]
Prof. Martin Collingwood: and hope [pause again, shot to Abby's face]
Prof. Martin Collingwood: and pray. [Close up focus on each of Rick and wife's faces in turn- still no comment, slight tightening of lip reaction from Rick]

Movie: The Titan