The Three Stooges Quote

Sammi: Now look: either you kick Moe off the show, or we're suing him!
Snooki: Like, with a lawyer!
Moe's Hip Executive: Court sounds okay to me.
Moe's Hip Executive: [to his assistant]You know, we could probably do a cross-promotion with Lockup.
Snooki: Great, just great. So basically, what you're saying is this whole show is about the ratings?
Moe's Hip Executive: Uh, yeah.
The Situation: Ohhh! [Ronnie, The Situation and the other cast members groan in annoyance]
Sammi: Unbelievable.
Moe: [pointing to Snooki's Guinness hat]Look, just 'cause she's wearing a genius hat, doesn't mean she is one.

Movie: The Three Stooges


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