The Show Quote

Kermit: [during Talk spot] Well, Rita, what we have now is what we call our 'Talk Spot', where the guest star sits and talks casualy with the frog.

Rita Moreno: Yeah, yeah, I know, Kermit. But can I say something? Haven't you noticed that on all these varity shows, the guess stars always come off so phony? I mean, you KNOW that they're rehearced. You KNOW that they are reading cue cards.

Kermit: But, Rita, on our show...
[looks past the camera as if reading que cards]

Kermit: But, Rita... wait a minuet... But, but Rita on our show WE do not use any cue cards, Rita... On our show... we do not...

Rita Moreno: KERMIT!

Movie: The Show


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