The Saint of Fort Washington Quote

Little Leroy, Fort Washington Bully: [sees Matthew handing out smokes] Meeeooow. Kitty cat, I'm always where th' money'zat [pause]
Little Leroy, Fort Washington Bully: Doncha know th' Bowery rate of exchange, boy?
Matthew: No.
Little Leroy, Fort Washington Bully: We here, in Washington Heights, that's in th' northern tip of the island of Manhattan, but we still operate at the Bowery rate.
Matthew: Yeah, I don't know it.
Little Leroy, Fort Washington Bully: Twenty cents, baby. Two thin dimes a smoke. [holds smokes out to Matthew]
Little Leroy, Fort Washington Bully: These my loosies. See, I th' loosies representative 'round here, y'understand? Now, y'settin' a bad example, boy. Y'takin' unfair advantage of dis here black man. I mean, how can a man compete yuh givin' it away fuh'nuthin'? See, it takes years to establish a rate of exchange an' yuh'destroyin' it in one night. Now you declare economic war on me [gets up to grab Matthew]
Little Leroy, Fort Washington Bully: , I declare it right back. You strike th' first blow, now it's my turn.

Movie: The Saint of Fort Washington


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