The Reluctant Fundamentalist Quote

Changez: [having learned Bobby is working with the CIA]Did you go to them or did they come to you?
Bobby Lincoln: Look, Changez...
Changez: Don't insult me. You wanna have a dialogue, let's have a dialogue. Did you go to them or did they come to you?
Bobby Lincoln: They came to me.
Changez: How does that happen? How do you go from writing so passionately against intervention in this region to this?
Bobby Lincoln: You wanna know how it happened? I'll tell you. In 2001, while you were busy getting rich in New York City, I was in Takhar Province, Afghanistan. A friend introduced me to Ahmad Shah Massoud. I spent a week interviewing him. He was opening schools for girls, talking about democracy, resisting the Taliban. I know he had blood on his hands, but he stood for something, meant something to people, and that's why I thought we didn't need to be there. Massoud never got the chance to read my book. Six months after it came out, he was killed by a bomb hidden in a video camera. Two days after that, the same guys that killed him took down the towers. And that's when I realized I'd been wrong. We did need to be here. So I picked a side.

Movie: The Reluctant Fundamentalist


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