The Outlaw Quotes

Captain Terrill: Not a hard man to track. Leaves dead men wherever he goes.

Movie: The Outlaw
Lone Watie: I didn't surrender, but they took my horse and made him surrender. They have him pulling a wagon up in Kansas I bet.

Movie: The Outlaw
Sundance Kid: They really keep money in here?
Butch Cassidy: It's a bank, isn't it?
Sundance Kid: That's a matter of opinion.

Movie: The Outlaw
Vic, General Store Owner: I don't hold for killin'.
Blaise Starrett: You don't have to... as long as you got somebody to do it for you.

Movie: The Outlaw
[Grandma Sarah notices that Lone Watie has painted his face]
Grandma Sarah: What's all that paint about?
Lone Watie: It's my death face.
Grandma Sarah: You know, we're sure gonna show them redskins somethin' tomorrow. No offense meant.
Lone Watie: None taken.

Movie: The Outlaw