The Night of the Hunter Quotes

Icey Spoon : A husband's one piece of store goods you never know 'til you get it home and take the paper off.

Movie: The Night of the Hunter
Willa Harper : The boy's as stubborn and as mulish as a sheep.

Movie: The Night of the Hunter
Icey Spoon : What could have possessed that girl?
Rev. Harry Powell : Satan.
Icey Spoon : Ah.

Movie: The Night of the Hunter
Rev. Harry Powell : Open that door, you spawn of the devil's own strumpet!

Movie: The Night of the Hunter
Rachel Cooper : She'll be losing her mind to a tricky mouth and a full moon, and like as not, I'll be saddled with the consequences.

Movie: The Night of the Hunter
Rachel Cooper : Women is fools. All.

Movie: The Night of the Hunter
Rachel Cooper : Women are such durn fools.

Movie: The Night of the Hunter
Pearl Harper : [ singing ] Once upon a time there was a pretty fly, he had a pretty wife, this pretty fly. But one day she flew away, flew away. She had two pretty children, but one night these two pretty children flew away, flew away, into the sky, into the moon.

Movie: The Night of the Hunter
Rachel Cooper : [ to Ruby, sobbing in her lap ] Child... You were looking for love, Ruby, in the only foolish way you knew how.

Movie: The Night of the Hunter
Rachel Cooper : Where's your Mrs?
Rev. Harry Powell : Uh, she run off with a drummer... durin' prayer meetin'.

Movie: The Night of the Hunter