The Matrix Online (VG) Quotes

Andres Bonifaciaeo: I sure won't take one of those pills. I like my mind alteration in liquid form, thank you, with labels spelling out its provenance and proof.

Movie: The Matrix Online (VG)
LeVar: This freaked me out. I was forking up a dumpster, which I do a hundred times a day. Once it's up, I see this guy in a trench coat, just standing there behind it. Staring at me. And he's wearing a mask right outta that movie, Eyes Wide Shut. We just looked at each other while the dumpster emptied, then I put it down... I've seen him five, six times since. Never moves, always lurking around dumpsters or trash cans. I've shouted at him a couple of times, you know, 'who are you?,' but he just stands there or walks away.

Movie: The Matrix Online (VG)