The Lego Movie Quotes

Vitruvius: My fellow Master Builders. Including but not limited to Robin Hood, Mermaid Lady, Gandalf, Swamp Creature, 1980s Something Space Guy...
Benny: Hello.
Vitruvius: ...The 2002 NBA All Stars and Wonder Woman. You have traveled far to be here for a moment of great import. We have learned that Lord Business plans to unleash a fully-weaponized Kragle on Taco Tuesday to end the world as we know it. [the crowd gets restless]
Vitruvius: Please calm yourselves Green Ninja, Milhouse, Nice Vampire, Michelangelo, Michelangelo, and Cleopatra. There is yet one hope. The Special has arisen.
Gandalf: Have the young man step forward.
Vitruvius: As you wish, Dubbledore.
Gandalf: I'm Gandalf!
Dumbledore: It's pronounced Dumbledore.
Vitruvius: Dubbledore?
Dumbledore: No, Dumbledore.
Vitruvius: I thought you said Dubbledore.
Gandalf: Vitruvius!
Vitruvius: Ah, we gotta write all that down 'cause I'm not gonna remember any of it, but here we go. The Special will now give an eloquent speech. [to Emmet]
Vitruvius: Go ahead man, you got this.

Movie: The Lego Movie
[first lines] Vitruvius: He's coming. Cover your butt.

Movie: The Lego Movie
Unikitty: So why did you come back?
Metalbeard: This be-doubled land couch. I watched Lord Business' forces completely overlook it. Which means we need more ideas like it!
Emmet: Oh, thank you.
Metalbeard: Ideas so dumb and bad that no one would ever think they could possibly be useful.
Emmet: Oh. Thank you.

Movie: The Lego Movie
Vitruvius: Emmet...
Emmet: Who said that?
Vitruvius: I did. I am Ghost Vitruvius. Oooooh. Emmet, you didn't let me finish earlier because I died. The reason I made up the prophecy was because I knew that whoever found the piece could become the special. Because the only thing anyone needs to be special is to believe that you can be. I know that sounds like a cat poster but it's true. Look at what you did when you believed you were special. You just need to believe it some more.
Emmet: But how could I just decide to believe that I'm special when I'm not?
Vitruvius: Because the world depends on it. Ooooohh.

Movie: The Lego Movie
Vitruvius: I liked Emmett before it was cool.

Movie: The Lego Movie
[after Batman flies in and saves them] Batman: Relax, everybody, I'm here.
Emmet: Batman! [to Lucy]
Batman: What's up, babe?
Lucy: Babe!
Emmet: What?
Lucy: Oh, sorry. [to Batman]
Lucy: Batman, this is Emmet. [to Emmet]
Lucy: Emmet, this is my boyfriend. Batman.
Batman: I'm Batman.
Emmet: That's your boyfriend? [Batman swerves his aircraft to avoid getting hit by Bad Cop as he chases after them]
Emmet: Batman, huh? Where did you guys meet?
Lucy: It's actually a funny story. Right, Bat...? [she turns to see Batman has disappeared]
Bad Cop: There he is!
Batman: Police to meet you, Bad Cop. [Bad Cop sees Batman has landed on his vehicle]
Bad Cop: Batman! The pleasure is all mine! [Bad Cop punches Batman, then they start fighting on top of Bad Cop's vehicle]
Batman: Guess what, you big dumb baby? Your car is a baby carriage. [Batman transforms Bad Cop's vehicle into a baby carriage and it starts plummeting to the ground]

Movie: The Lego Movie
Bad Cop: You were found at the construction site convulsing with a strange piece.
Emmet: That's disgusting!

Movie: The Lego Movie
Emmet: President Business is going to end the world? But he's such a good guy! And Octan, they make good stuff: music, dairy products, coffee, TV shows, surveillance systems, all history books, voting machines... wait a minute!

Movie: The Lego Movie
Shaq: Y'all ready for this?
Shaq: Oh no! They were ready for that.

Movie: The Lego Movie
Vitruvius: Are you ready?
Emmet: Yes, I am, I think.

Movie: The Lego Movie
Batman: [about Cloud Cukoo Land]I hate this place.

Movie: The Lego Movie
Vitruvius: Emmet, you had a vision.
Emmet: I did?
Vitruvius: MasterBuilders spend years training themselves to clear their minds enough to have even a fleeting glimpse of The Man Upstairs and yet, your mind is already so prodigiously empty that there is nothing in it to clear away in the first place. With proper training you could become a great MasterBuilder.

Movie: The Lego Movie
Vitruvius: My sweet Emmet, come closer. You must know something about the prophecy.
Emmet: I know. I'm doing my best but... I don't-I don't.
Vitruvius: The prophecy... I made it up.
Emmet: What?
Vitruvius: I made it up. It's not true.
Emmet: But that means I'm just... I'm not the special?
Vitruvius: You must listen. What I'm about to tell you will change the course of history... [pause then Vitruvius is dead]

Movie: The Lego Movie
Unikitty: Business, business, business. Numbers. Is this thing working?
Robot: Yes.
Unikitty: Yeah!

Movie: The Lego Movie
TV Presenter: We now return to Where Are My Pants?
Where are my pants? guy: Honey? Where are my paaaaaaaants?

Movie: The Lego Movie
Emmet: Isn't there a good cop?
Bad Cop: [Changes to good cop]Hi buddy! Want a cup of water?
Emmet: Yeah, actually.
Bad Cop: [Changes back to bad cop][Smacks water away]
Bad Cop: Too bad!

Movie: The Lego Movie
[from trailer] President Business: Hi, I'm President Business, president of the Octan corporation and the world. Let's take extra care to follow the instructions or you'll be put to sleep, and don't forget Taco Tuesday's coming next week.

Movie: The Lego Movie
Bad Cop: Get off my train.

Movie: The Lego Movie
Batman: This is not how Batman dies.

Movie: The Lego Movie
Emmet: Oh my G-O-S-H!

Movie: The Lego Movie
Batman: Bruce Wayne? Uh... who's that? Sounds like a cool guy.

Movie: The Lego Movie
Unikitty: Marry a marshmallow.

Movie: The Lego Movie
Emmet: I think I heard a whoosh.

Movie: The Lego Movie
Batman: Guess what, you big dumb baby? Your car is a baby carriage.

Movie: The Lego Movie
Vitruvius: These mechanical birds will get our message out. They will go to an internet cafe and e-mail the remaining Master Builders, who will meet us in the secret realm of Cloud Cuckoo Land. [haphazardly throws the birds out of the window]

Movie: The Lego Movie
Unikitty: [to Metalbeard]So why did you come back?
Metalbeard: This be doubled land couch. I watched Lord Business' forces completely overlook it. Which means we need more ideas like it!
Emmet: Oh, thank you.
Metalbeard: Ideas so dumb and bad that no one would ever think they could possibly be useful.
Emmet: [Disappointed]Oh. Thank you.

Movie: The Lego Movie
Emmet: Wildstyle, you're such an amazing person. And, you know, if Batman can't see that then he's just , well, he's just as blind as a guy whose eyes stopped working.

Movie: The Lego Movie
President Business: Hey, not so special anymore, huh? Well guess what? No one ever told me I was special! I never got a trophy just for showing up! I'm not some special little snowflake! No! But as unspecial as I am, you are a thousand-billion times more unspecial than me!

Movie: The Lego Movie
Superman: Can't move!
Green Lantern: Don't worry, Superman! I'll get you outta there!
Superman: No! Don't...
Green Lantern: Ahh! Oh my gosh, my hands are stuck. My legs are stuck as well.
Superman: I super hate you.

Movie: The Lego Movie
Superman: Can't get much worse than this.
Green Lantern: Uh, hello, neighbor.
Superman: Oh, no.
Green Lantern: It's Green Lantern. Oh my gosh, we're roommates. How crazy is that?
Superman: Does anyone have some kryptonite that they can give me?

Movie: The Lego Movie