The Legend of Custer Quotes

Crazy Horse: Do you have many such guns?
William R. Tymen: As many as you want and all the shells you can shoot.
Santanya: Where can we get them?
William R. Tymen: You buy them from me.
Santanya: Good! We trade for buffalo hides.
William R. Tymen: No, not for hides.
Crazy Horse: What is it you want? Our land? Our women? What do we have left that the white man has not already taken from us?
William R. Tymen: Gold. My price is one hundred dollars in gold or money for each gun and I'll throw in a case of shells for every one you want.
Santanya: But we have no gold or money.
William R. Tymen: You can get it.

Movie: The Legend of Custer
[first lines] [Custer rides into stable where a game of craps is under way]
Sergeant James Bustard: Go ahead and shoot. Go on, shoot. Shoot! Shoot! [Game continues]
Sergeant James Bustard: Hold it! I win! [when Bustard reaches for his winnings, Custer steps on the cash]
Custer: What is your name, Private?
Sergeant James Bustard: James Bustard.
Custer: Do you count yourself a tough man?
Sergeant James Bustard: None tougher in the Seventh or any other damned Yankee regiment, General, suh. But I'm forgettin', it isn't General anymore is it?

Movie: The Legend of Custer