The Invitation Quotes

Pruitt: Forgiveness doesn't have to wait. I'm free to forgive myself and so are you. It's a beautiful thing. It really is.

Movie: The Invitation
David: I'm so glad you're here. We have a lot to talk about. So much to say tonight.

Movie: The Invitation
David: Each one of us is on a journey and we feel it's important to be on this journey with the people you love.

Movie: The Invitation
David: It's too big for any of us alone.

Movie: The Invitation
Will: You look different, Edie.
Eden: I am different. I'm free. All that useless pain, it's gone. It's something anyone can have, Will, and I want you to have it too.

Movie: The Invitation
Miguel: Will thinks you guys are on pills. Figuratively.
David: You think we're crazy?
Will: I-I never said that.
David: It's okay, I'm not offended. A lot of people think we're crazy. But I doubt they're as happy as we are.

Movie: The Invitation