The Heat Quotes

Mullins: Well, I am balls deep in boredom.

Movie: The Heat
Mullins: [to Ashburn]Don't make me put the cat down and punch you.

Movie: The Heat
Mullins: [to Asburn after getting bar patrons to dance]Look, it's a frenzy. We started a frenzy.

Movie: The Heat
Tatiana: [Mullins throws Tatiana's underwear at her]Don't touch underpants! Get out, bull in china shop! Out of my house! What the fuck's wrong with you?

Movie: The Heat
Mullins: [pulls an elderly man out of his chair]Get up, you fuck!

Movie: The Heat
Ashburn: [referring to Mullins]That officer right there is a better law enforcement officer than *anybody* in this room. Myself included.

Movie: The Heat
Mullins: I see you have a cat.
Ashburn: Yep.
Mullins: Is he around? Because I'd kinda like to, you know, pet him and stuff.
Ashburn: He ran away when I was in New York.
Mullins: [getting emotional]Oh God, that tears me up.
Ashburn: Yeah, it was a loss.
Mullins: The cat got one look at your shitty life and said no fucking thanks, man. I am outta here.
Ashburn: I'm still kinda just grieving a little bit about it.
Mullins: That fucking tabby is an asshole. That's what he is. Fuck you. Fuck you, that's what I say to that cat. God damn it. [gives Ashburn a hug]
Mullins: Such a shitty, shitty little life. You can't even keep a cat.

Movie: The Heat
Ashburn: Wow, your windows are all boarded up.
Mullins: Yeah, I've got the glass, I just don't have the... you know, the window blankets.
Ashburn: Curtains? You mean the curtains?
Mullins: Whatever.

Movie: The Heat
Mullins: What're you looking at?
Chris Gethard: I like how your friend's shorts make me feel in my shorts. I am sorry, that was much cruder than I meant it to be.
Ashburn: Stand corrected on the shorts. Let's proceed.

Movie: The Heat
[Mullins orders a whiskey] Club Ekko Bartender: 14 dollars.
Mullins: 14 dollars? Is it magic fucking whiskey? Do I get a motorcycle with it? Is it gonna be served in Jesus's shoe?

Movie: The Heat
Mullins: Guess you and her are engaged now, huh?
LeSoire: What?
Ashburn: Well, cause... [shows a ring pulled from a grenade]
Ashburn: you just gave me a ring MUTHAFUCKA!

Movie: The Heat