The Disaster Artist Quote

Henry: [Post-Credits scene]Hey, how are you doing?
Tommy Wiseau: Fine. Yeah, I'm fine. Why you ask?
Henry: Why are you standing against a wall?
Tommy Wiseau: Look, I just a guy leaning on a wall! No big deal!
Henry: Why you so lonely? Tell me.
Tommy Wiseau: What? I'm just standing here alone. Don't mean I'm lonely.
Henry: You need help, I see it.
Tommy Wiseau: It's not pity party, it's just party.
Henry: You go with me?
Tommy Wiseau: Go where?
Henry: To my house.
Tommy Wiseau: [pause]I'm not going anywhere with you.
Henry: You think you have long hair, you own the world? Is that the idea, huh?
Tommy Wiseau: I stop you. I stop you right there. What is this accent? It sound familiar. You from New Orleans?
Henry: Yeah, so what?
Tommy Wiseau: What part?
Henry: Chalmett.
Tommy Wiseau: I love New Orleans.
Henry: You know where Chalmett?
Tommy Wiseau: Yeah.
Henry: Okay, cool. You want a drink or something?
Tommy Wiseau: No. I'm not thirsty either. I just want to stand here.
Henry: What's your name? Tommy, right?
Tommy Wiseau: Yeah. My name's Tommy, with a capital 'Go away'.
Henry: It's okay! Have a nice one. Okay?
Tommy Wiseau: Okay.
Henry: Okay, bye. [leaves]
Tommy Wiseau: [confused]'Kay...
Henry: [sighs]People are very strange these days! Oh, hi Betty.
Tommy Wiseau: My god... Who are these friends Greg has?

Movie: The Disaster Artist


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