The Dictator Quote

[Nadal notices Aladeen walking funny as they approach the helicopter]Nadal: Are you okay?
General Aladeen: My guy has a limp. I fell off me horse at the old Bull & Bush Pub because I'm a cockney.
Nadal: Listen, listen, okay? You need to focus up right now and be prepared to deliver a small, subtle performance.
General Aladeen: Okay, great, okay.
Nadal: Okay, good.
General Aladeen: [Pulling eyelids backwards]Okay, so when we go to fly...
Nadal: [Slaps Aladeen's hands off]Don't do that with your eyes! You can't be a Chinese person on this thing, okay?
General Aladeen: I'm not Chink, I'm Chinese-American!
Nadal: No, but you cannot hold your eyes! Nobody is going to think you're Chinese-American because you hold your eyes like that! It's racist, what you're doing!
General Aladeen: Do you know it's a fact that they cannot pronounce their R's? They pronounce them as L's. So instead you know what 'rabbit' is in Chinese?
Nadal: I don't know how to speak Chinese.
General Aladeen: It's 'labbit'.
Nadal: It's not 'labbit'!
General Aladeen: Yes! 'Who Shot Loger Labbit' was a huge hit in China!
Nadal: Nobody... It's stup... All right, I don't care! This is stupid, okay?
General Aladeen: Okay, I'll do Filipino. I like to work, I like to talk. [pulling eyelids backwards]
General Aladeen: I like the shit, I do the kids.
Nadal: [Pulling Aladeen's hands off]Stop that! Your Filipino is the same as your Chinese!
General Aladeen: Now who's being a lacist? You're being lacist now!
Nadal: I'm not being racist! Right now, we have to get on this helicopter and we have to act like true Americans.
General Aladeen: I guess you don't want me to play black, then.
Nadal: Of course, I don't want you to play black.
General Aladeen

Movie: The Dictator


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