The Day the Earth Caught Fire Quotes

Editor (Jeff): I don't care a tinker's damn about this eclipse of the sun as such; the evening papers will cane it, it'll be dead by tomorrow morning. But what I do care about is why there was an eclipse of the sun ten days before it was due. Bill, this is your department.
Bill Maguire: I don't know why everybody regards me as Nostradamus. Your guess is as good as mine.
Editor (Jeff): Yes, but I don't want guesses, I want facts. Try someone on top. Sir John Kelly...
Bill Maguire: Stenning got in to see Kelly.
Peter Stenning: He had twenty-eight armed guards around him.
Editor (Jeff): Yes, but what did he say?
Peter Stenning: He wouldn't even say Good night in case it was taken as an official comment on the future of mankind.

Movie: The Day the Earth Caught Fire
Peter Stenning: Well, Billy boy, they got me doing your homework. Five hundred words on sun-spots.
Bill Maguire: Have you seen the figures on some of these Earth tremors?
Peter Stenning: It's another planet trying to contact us. [He picks up his empty coffee mug and speaks into it]
Peter Stenning: This is Earth. Are you receiving me? Are you receiving me? You are?
Peter Stenning: Well get knotted.
Peter Stenning: [He sets the mug down again]

Movie: The Day the Earth Caught Fire
[Bill asks Peter what is bothering him]
Bill Maguire: It's the kid, isn't it?
Peter Stenning: You ought to see the way they're bringing him up, Bill. It'll be the right prep school next. And then the right boarding school. And by the time they finish with him, he'll be a right bowler-hatted, who's-for-tennis, toffee-nosed gent, but he won't be MY son.
Bill Maguire: Oh, I don't know. That bad blood of yours is bound to come out.

Movie: The Day the Earth Caught Fire
[Peter decides to stop in at the Press Office, after telling Jeannie that he had better things to do. He finds her cleaning what looks like a mimeograph machine, and they each have no idea who the other one is]
Jeannie Craig: Oh, hullo. Have you come to fix this?
Peter Stenning: Well, I hadn't, but for you, why not?
Jeannie Craig: [embarrassed] Oh, I'm sorry, they'd said they'd send someone. Can I help you? Nearly everyone's gone home.
Peter Stenning: Yeah, I'd like a copy of tonight's official line-ups.
Jeannie Craig: Tonight's what?
Peter Stenning: Uh, the official releases.
Jeannie Craig: Oh! Those are all a bit smudged, a bit over-inky, I'll get you a clean one. We're in a terrible state here. What with holidays and flu, we're all doing everyone else's job.
Peter Stenning: [Admiring her shapely arse as she bends over: ] It happens to the best of us.
Jeannie Craig: Success! [She hands him a paper]
Jeannie Craig: No smudges.
Peter Stenning: This is all I get, sweetie?
Jeannie Craig: That's all you get.
Peter Stenning: You wouldn't like a drink with me, or a lift home?
Jeannie Craig: Just for my record, I'd like your name.
Peter Stenning: Peter Stenning. Just for my record, I'd like yours.
Jeannie Craig: [She straightens up and stares at him, remembering now his name and his rudeness on the telephone exchange] Peter Stenning?
Peter Stenning: Yes.
Jeannie Craig: Express?
Peter Stenn

Movie: The Day the Earth Caught Fire