The Dark Horse Quote

Noble: Gen, What are you doing?
Genesis: Positivity. [Noble tries to interrupt]
Genesis: Wait, wait! I'm trying to give them some positivity.
Noble: They've already got something positive.
Genesis: No, that's not...
Noble: They don't even have decent chess sets, cuz. Gen, listen to me.
Genesis: I have thought about this and I know it will work.
Noble: You thought about it?
Genesis: Yes
Noble: Thought about them?
Genesis: Yes, yes.
Noble: Who you just met tonight? Who you don't even know whether they can even play?
Genesis: Yeah.
Noble: Gen!
Genesis: I can help them. They'll have a purpose. They need a purpose, a focus. Who knows what'll happen?
Noble: I know what will happen. You'll rev them up with some new and exciting idea, then you're gonna go off the rails, and we're not gonna see you again. They don't need some big, delusional tournament. They don't even have parents. Just fuckin' gangs and jails. They're not even around. They need people who are gonna show up, Gen. Stability!

Movie: The Dark Horse


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