The Dark Crystal Quote

Scientist: You're next, little Podling! [puts Podling in chair]
Scientist: This won't hurt. We just want to drain your living essence. Then you can be the same as the other Podlings here, a slave. [turns to his assistant]
Scientist: Open the wall! [wall opens revealing fiery shaft]
Scientist: Now, Podling. Out there is the great shaft of the castle. Position the reflector. [reflector moves into position]
Scientist: The reflector will capture the beams of the Dark Crystal floating high above. Look into the relfector, Podling. Feel the power of the Dark Crystal! [the reflector shines purple light into the Podling's eyes]
Scientist: Mmm, yes, and now the beam will rid you of your fears... your thoughts... your vital essence.

Movie: The Dark Crystal


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