The Celebration Quotes

[ first lines ] [ subtitled version ]
Christian Klingenfeldt : [ on his cellphone ] Christian speaking... Hi, I'm here now. I landed this morning. What? Er... Washed? I shaved at the airport if you must know. I shaved at the airport if you must know! I'm fine... right now I'm looking across the fields. At the land of my father. It's beautiful. It makes me want to move back for good, but that'd be problematical. I'll make it. Yes, I suppose it will be... shocking. What?... You're dropping out. O.K. Bye.

Movie: The Celebration
[ last lines ] [ subtitled version ]
Michael : Nice one, Dad. Good speech. Well done. But I think you'll have to go now so we can eat our breakfast.
Faderen : Of course, of course.
Faderen : [ to his wife ] Coming?
Moderen : I'll stay here.

Movie: The Celebration
[ subtitled version ]
Christian Klingenfeldt : I've just never really understood why you did it.
Faderen : It was all you were good for.

Movie: The Celebration
[ subtitled version ]
Michael : Don't diss my family, get it?

Movie: The Celebration
[ subtitled version ]
Christian Klingenfeldt : Here's to the man who killed my sister... to a murderer.

Movie: The Celebration