The Angriest Man in Brooklyn Quote

Henry Altmann: [narrating]As Henry Altmann waited in traffic, on the way to his doctor's appointment, he mentally added subwoofers in small cars to things he hated. On his short list was also dog crap, car alarms, indecipherable parking signs, double baby strollers, ass-crack fashion, men's cologne, bubble gum, bicycles, hamsters, garbage trucks, neighbors, metal hangers, TV remotes, greeting cards, flip-flops, fliers for cheap haircuts, fat people, pigeons, The Weather Channel, smell of urine, new mothers, credit card offers, blocked phone numbers, big umbrellas, F train, JFK, BQ E., ATM Service fees, 99 Cent Stores, radio personalities, networking, Starbucks, the Knicks, the Knicks, the Knicks, and God.

Movie: The Angriest Man in Brooklyn


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