The Adventures of Tintin Quote

[Closeup on Tintin, who is slowly waking up]Captain Haddock: [echoing]Tintin? Tintin? Warm yourself, lad... [Tintin wakes up to find that Captain Haddock has lit a fire out of the wooden oars, in the boat and is trying to warm himself]
Tintin: [horrified]Captain! What have you done?
Captain Haddock: [laze faire]Oh, no need to thank me. You were lookin' a little cold so I lit a wee fire.
Tintin: *IN A BOAT*? Those are our oars, we need them to reach to Baggdar!
Captain Haddock: [snapping an oar in two and throwing it into the fire; merrily]We don't need them any longer.
Tintin: [frantically splashing salt water at the fire, trying to douse it out]Have you gone MAD? Help me, Captain! Help me put it out!
Captain Haddock: [realizing]He's right! What have I done? What have I done? [grabs the whiskey bottle he was preparing to drink, opens it and pours it on the fire]
Tintin: No, Captain! No, Not that... [explosion]
Captain Haddock: [from the distance; moaning]Thundering Typhoons!

Movie: The Adventures of Tintin


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