The 5 Mrs. Buchanans Quotes

Alex: [pulling Mother Buchanan aside] Now you listen to me, old woman, and you listen good: There is a real big chance that some time in the future, you are going to be sick, possibly very sick; and while you're lying in the hospital kept alive only by a machine, the doctor is going to come to my husband and say, "Her chances don't look good. Should I pull the plug or not?" Roy, of course, will be too grief-stricken to make that decision, so it will fall upon me to decide whether you live or die. How you act as Bree is opening Delilah's shower gift will greatly influence what I say to that doctor. Got it?
Mother Buchanan: [nods; Bree opens the gift] Oh! A Mr. Waffle!

Movie: The 5 Mrs. Buchanans
Mother Buchanan: Oh my stars! Delilah, is that you?
Delilah: Of course it's me...
Mother Buchanan: Well, I scarcely recognized you under all that make-up!

Movie: The 5 Mrs. Buchanans
Mother Emma Buchanan: Well, I heard you were having a party and I wasn't invited, so naturally I just grabbed my purse and ran right over.

Movie: The 5 Mrs. Buchanans
Vivian: Alex, I want to thank you again for letting me bring the twins by here tonight... you ever need a favor, just ask.
Alex: Actually, I do. Could you ask the twins not to play on my brand new patio furniture?
Vivian: Of course. [turns off-screen, shouting]
Vivian: Lyndon! P.J.! If you won't stop jumping on that chaise longue, you're gonna break it! And you know you're Aunt Alex doesn't have a lot of nice things! [turns back to Alex, smiles sweetly]

Movie: The 5 Mrs. Buchanans
[On surrogate motherhood.]
Vivian: Oh, look, I love Delilah. If she'd asked to borrow money, fine. Borrow my car? Sure. But I'm sorry, my uterus is off limits!

Movie: The 5 Mrs. Buchanans