Sunday in the Park with George Quote

Dot: Yes, George, run to your work. Hide behind your painting. I came to tell you I was leaving because I thought you might care to know. Foolish of me, because you care about nothing.
Georges Seurat: I care about many things.
Dot: Things, George, not people.
Georges Seurat: People too. I cannot divide my feelings up as neatly as you can, and I am not hiding behind my work, I am living it!
Dot: What you care for is yourself.
Georges Seurat: I care about this painting. You will be in this painting.
Dot: I am something you can use.
Georges Seurat: I had thought you understood...
Dot: It's because I understand that I left, that I am leaving.
Georges Seurat: Well, there's nothing I can say, is there?
Dot: Yes, George, there is! You could tell me not to go. Say it to me. Tell me not to go. Tell me that you're hurt, tell me you're relieved... tell me that you're bored, anything, but don't assume I know. Tell me what you feel.
Georges Seurat: What I feel? You know exactly what I feel. Why do you insist you must hear the words when you know I cannot give you words? Not the ones you need...

TV Show: Sunday in the Park with George


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