Stargate - Atlantis Quote

Ronon: They're in weapons range!
[the ship starts taking damage]
Lt. Col. Sheppard: Return fire!
Ronon: I'm trying!
[the alien fighters keep closing, Ronon starts bashing the console]
Lt. Col. Sheppard: Easy, Chewie! Those buttons are your friends! Just keep trying!
Ronon: [yells] I'M TRYING!!!
[the engine controls go down]
Dr. McKay: That's it, sublight's gone for good this time!
[the Alternate Daedalus crawls to a halt when the attackers suddenly start to explode]
Ronon: What the hell was that?
Lt. Col. Sheppard: F-302s. It's Atlantis!
[a massive dogfight begins]
Dr. McKay: [nervous] What's happening?
Lt. Col. Sheppard: We got some help from some friends, guess we're on the right side after all-
Alternate Sheppard: Daedalus, this is Lieutenant Colonel John Sheppard, do you read? [Sheppard and Ronon look at each other confused] Daedalus, do you read?
Lt. Col. Sheppard: Yeah, Daedalus, uh, this is Daedalus, come in.
Alternate Sheppard: Who-Who is this?
Lt. Col. Sheppard: It's a long story!
Alternate Sheppard: Well, whoever you are you saved our asses when you took out their main weapons. I think the least we can do is return the favor.
Lt. Col. Sheppard: I'd much appreciate it.
Ronon: Uh, Sheppard...
Lt. Col. Sheppard: Oh, crap! [takes out a fighter that was trying to crash into the bridge]
Alternate Sheppard: Sorry about that, one of 'em got through. Nice shooting, though.
Lt. Col. Sheppard: Oh, thanks...

TV Show: Stargate Atlantis


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