Stargate - Atlantis Quote

[O'Neill gets his mind probed by Talus]
Gen. O'Neill: [casually] Whatcha doin'?
Talus: Probing your mind.
[O'Neill looks around, seeing that a Stargate event horizon is circling Talus and him]
Gen. O'Neill: Kinda roomy, ain't it?
Talus: Your ability to resist is quite remarkable General O'Neill.
Gen. O'Neill: Well it isn't the first time I had a hand in my head, as t'were.
Talus: If you do not give me information, perhaps Richard Woolsey will.
Gen. O'Neill: Tell you look around, and I'll tell you if you're getting warmer, or colder.
[Talus smiles]
Talus: Ah, there it is.
Gen. O'Neill: So, hot I guess, huh.

TV Show: Stargate Atlantis


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