Stargate - Atlantis Quote

Gen. O'Neill: Is that Dr. Weir I hear?
Dr. Weir: Yes, General, it's good to hear your voice too.
Gen. O'Neill: I didn't say it was good, Elizabeth. Please don't be offended as I express my surprise that Landry would send you on a mission like this.
Dr. Weir: Well, sir, General Landry didn't sanction this mission.
Gen. O'Neill: So am I to assume you're not surrounded by heavily armed SG teams and young, strapping Marines?
Dr. Weir: You've got myself, Sheppard, Teyla, Ronon, McKay, and Dr. Beckett.
Gen. O'Neill: [sarcastic] Oh, Dr. Beckett is it? Well, I'm comforted.
Dr. Beckett: [whispering to Weir] What's that supposed to mean?

TV Show: Stargate Atlantis


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