Star Wars Quotes

Clone Cadet Jax: We're all in it together, right?

Boba Fett: Right.

Clone Cadet Jax: With the training we got, I feel ready for anything.

Movie: Star Wars
Mace Windu: You seem more disappointed than our cadets.

Anakin Skywalker: It's our job to instruct and inspire.

Mace Windu: You just wanted to show off.

Anakin Skywalker: Hey, when I show off, it is instructive.
[a beat]

Anakin Skywalker: And inspiring.

Mace Windu: For you, maybe.

Movie: Star Wars
Clone Trooper 1477: We're brothers, don't shoot!

Boba Fett: You're not my brother.

Movie: Star Wars
Clone Sergeant Crasher: This is the moment, men. Make it yours.

Movie: Star Wars
Aurra Sing: Well, what do we have here?

Movie: Star Wars
Aurra Sing: I wasn't expecting you to bring friends along.

Boba Fett: I couldn't help it, Aurra. What are you gonna do with them?

Aurra Sing: What do you think?

Boba Fett: Let them go?

Aurra Sing: [sighs] They're living witnesses, honey.

Movie: Star Wars
Admiral Kilian: You don't have to do this, you're not like them. I can tell.

Boba Fett: What do you know, old man?

Admiral Kilian: I know a good soldier when I see one.

Boba Fett: I'm no soldier! I'm no clone! Not like those two.

Movie: Star Wars
Anakin Skywalker: How about tracking him down?

Mace Windu: So I should behave as this child does? I should seek revenge?

Movie: Star Wars
Aurra Sing: I never took you for a coward, Castas. And what about you, Bossk? Do you feel the same?

Bossk: I'm still in. I've got a lot riding on this kill, and I need the cash.

Movie: Star Wars
Aurra Sing: And that's Castus. But he's getting off here.

Hondo Ohnaka: Couldn't handle her, could you? Well, don't be ashamed. You're not the first man to bail out from under her command.

Aurra Sing: He's speaking from experience.

Hondo Ohnaka: Ohoh, oh, you're a dangerous woman. Yes, very dangerous. Come, come, come. Let us go inside where we can discuss business over a drink, like civilized people.

Movie: Star Wars
Hondo Ohnaka: Hey, hey, someone scrape that guy off the floor. He sprung a leak.

Movie: Star Wars
Ahsoka Tano: Well, I hope we have better luck here, this is the fifth scumbucket drinking hole we've been to.

Movie: Star Wars
Plo Koon: Unwise... you have already lost and you don't even know it.

Aurra Sing: I am prepared to kill you, the hostages, whatever it takes to get what Boba wants.

Plo Koon: Sounds more like what you want.

Movie: Star Wars
Boba Fett: [pointing a blaster at the back of Plo Koon's head] I'm not a murderer, but I want justice!

Plo Koon: We are justice.

Movie: Star Wars
Hondo Ohnaka: Tell the Jedi what he wants to know, Boba.

Boba Fett: [shouting] Why should I help anybody, I've got no one.

Hondo Ohnaka: It is the honorable thing to do. It's what your father would have wanted.

Movie: Star Wars
Boba Fett: I see now I've done terrible things.
[raises voice]

Boba Fett: But you started when you murdered my father! I'll never forgive you.

Mace Windu: Hm... Well, you're going to have to. Take him away.

Movie: Star Wars
Anakin Skywalker: [R2 bleeps cautiously] You're not kidding, little buddy. I don't like the feel of this place either.

Mace Windu: Your astromech is programmed to feel?

Anakin Skywalker: R2 is kind of a... special case. He's got a lot of personality, that's all.

Mace Windu: You encourage it too much.

Movie: Star Wars
Castas: This place is a death trap!

Aurra Sing: When I hired you, I didn't realize that you were such a coward.

Castas: Oh, well... I don't wanna be next!

Movie: Star Wars
Castas: Ugh, this is no good. If we can barely survive in here, Windu must have been killed in the blast.

Boba Fett: I'm not quitting now. Not when I'm so close.

Movie: Star Wars
Anakin Skywalker: Ugh! I hate just sitting here!

Mace Windu: Calm yourself, Skywalker. We'll soon see if the faith you put in the droid is worth it...

Movie: Star Wars
Castas: Great! Well, this has gone well. Windu will be back here with a fleet. He'll hunt us down.

Aurra Sing: Don't count on it. The Jedi don't carry grudges. But I have ways of... motivating them.

Movie: Star Wars
Anakin Skywalker: Who's helmet is that anyway?

Mace Windu: It belongs to a bounty hunter I killed on Geonosis by the name of Jango Fett.

Movie: Star Wars
Ahsoka Tano: Some pretty serious burns. But nothing a night in the bacta tank won't fix.
[hits Sky-Guy in the leg, who grunts in pain]

Ahsoka Tano: Oh, sorry.

Movie: Star Wars
Mace Windu: I can see why your master trusts you, little one. Good job.
[R2 chirps a happy reply, then rolls off]

Anakin Skywalker: Heh. That's definitely more praise than I ever get.

Movie: Star Wars
Rex: That's a lotta clankers.

Movie: Star Wars
Dr. Sionver Boll: We have accounted for every probable outcome.

Mace Windu: It's the improbable that concerns me, Doctor.

Movie: Star Wars
Clone Pilot: General, there's something down here with us. And it's not Seppies...

Movie: Star Wars
Mace Windu: I have a bad feeling about this.

Movie: Star Wars
Anakin Skywalker: Don't worry about me, I'm alright.

Mace Windu: Where's your starfighter?

Anakin Skywalker: That thing ate it.

Movie: Star Wars
Anakin Skywalker: We dropped that bomb to save your planet, at your request!

Doge Urus: To save our fuel for you to buy!

Movie: Star Wars