Star Trek Quote

Lt. Nyota Uhura : [ Having just learned that she is assigned to the Farragut ] Commander, a word?
Spock : Yes, Lieutenant?
Lt. Nyota Uhura : Was I not one of your top students?
Spock : Indeed you were.
Lt. Nyota Uhura : [ the scene cuts to another location, where Uhura is still hounding Spock ] And did I not, on multiple occasions, demonstrate an exceptional aural sensitivity *and I quote* 'an unparalleled ability to identify sonic anomalies in subspace transmissions tests?'
Spock : Consistently, yes.
Lt. Nyota Uhura : And while you are well aware of my own qualified desires to serve on the USS Enterprise, I'm assigned to the *Farragut?*
Spock : It was an attempt to... [ he glances around, keeping his voice low ]
Spock : avoid the appearance of favoritism.
Lt. Nyota Uhura : [ Adamantly ] No. I'm assigned to the Enterprise.
Spock : [ He checks his roster list ] Yes, I believe you are.
Lt. Nyota Uhura : Thank you.

Movie: Star Trek


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