Stage Fright Quote

Sam Brownstein: [singing]All of us have heard these names of hate, but let me get one thing straight: I'm gay, I'm gay, but not in that way / Musicals move me and touch me in ways I can't say.
Liz Silver
Sheila Kerry
Bethany: [singing]He's gay, but not in that way.
Sam Brownstein: [singing]I sleep with women but musicals make me feel gay!
David Martin: [singing/butting in]I'm gay, I'm actually gay. I don't get hard when I see T and A / Could be my DNA or how I was raised.
Liz Silver
Sheila Kerry
Bethany: [singing]We don't distinguish here at Center Stage.
Entire Camp: [singing/dancing]We're all gay, we're gay in all kinds of ways!
Sheila Kerry: [singing]Some in the bedroom.
Sam Brownstein
Liz Silver
Sheila Kerry
Bethany: [singing]And some 'cause of musical plays!

Movie: Stage Fright


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