South of Nowhere Quotes

Aiden Dennison: I'm listening.
Madison Duarte: That's because you still love me.
Aiden Dennison: No... that's because I'm a whore.

TV Show: South of Nowhere
Ashley Davies: Are you a basketball fan or do you just enjoy watching guys pat each other on the ass?

TV Show: South of Nowhere
Ashley Davies: Spencer get in the car.
Spencer Carlin: Why?
Ashley Davies: For one thing your house is ten miles back.
Spencer Carlin: You so don't care about how I feel.
Ashley Davies: This whole day has been about how you feel!
Spencer Carlin: Oh please come on, all you care about is having a good time! [pause]
Spencer Carlin: My mom was right about you.
Ashley Davies: Oh good now you and your mom can finally have something to agree on. [pause]
Ashley Davies: Ok look, I'm sorry. I screwed up. I just didn't want you to feel bad and I guess I didn't know the right way to make you feel better. What your feeling, the whole gay thing, it's, it's so important and so... scary. And that's why I wanted today to be special for you. It's kind of like the last day of the old Spencer, ya know?

TV Show: South of Nowhere
Ashley Davies: Are you okay?
Spencer Carlin: Yeah... are you?
Ashley Davies: [groans as she sits up] Last night was rough. You came to take care of me?
Spencer Carlin: Was there an option?
Ashley Davies: Yeah. The one most people do when they're around me... leave.
Spencer Carlin: No way. Then life would be just too predictable.
Ashley Davies: How do I look?
Spencer Carlin: Good...
Ashley Davies: You suck at lying. [Spencer laughs]
Ashley Davies: . But I'm glad you try.
Christine Davies: Rise and shine darling... I'm heading out for the day, and I might not be home tonight. Really, Ashley I tolerate your playmates, but do they have to be here in the morning?
Spencer Carlin: Oh, I'm sorry. I just fell asleep.
Ashley Davies: You remember my friend Spencer. Right Mom?
Christine Davies: Right. Look , honey I can't leave you if you insist on bringing home this kind of..."friend".
Spencer Carlin: Actually, I just came to take care of her.
Christine Davies: And I'm sure you did that very well.
Ashley Davies: Mom, can you please just try to be nice?
Christine Davies: Oh, I have been. To Paige who stole my credit cards. To Elizabeth, who passed out eating my Valium. And then there was the one with the piercings, she just moved in and we had to have the help get rid of her. Here this ought to cover you until I get home. Ciao.
Ashley Davies: I'm sorry.
Spencer Carlin: Is this how it is every morn

TV Show: South of Nowhere
Paula Carlin: Oh, my God. Spencer get Ashley to leave.
Ashley Davies: I can hear you, Paula.
Paula Carlin: Tell her to leave.
Ashley Davies: Do you want me to leave?
Spencer Carlin: No.
Paula Carlin: Get out of my house. Get out of my house now!
Ashley Davies: Let go of me.
Paula Carlin: Get out of my house.
Spencer Carlin: Stop it, Mom.
Ashley Davies: Spencer, No! [Paula grabs Ashley by her hair]
Ashley Davies: .
Spencer Carlin: Mom! Stop. Ashley!

TV Show: South of Nowhere
Spencer Carlin: Wow, you live here?
Ashley Davies: Just me, mom. and number four, who I think is soon to be ex-number four. That's how I want my life.
Spencer Carlin: Austin's way too dramatic. "Real World Hawaii" that would work.
Ashley Davies: Okay didn't one of them OD?
Spencer Carlin: Yeah, besides that.
Ashley Davies: So, did you leave a boy back home?
Spencer Carlin: Uh, no one special, you?
Ashley Davies: No. One should only hit and run. Boys are way too much trouble.
Spencer Carlin: Aiden's cute.
Ashley Davies: Aiden? What? You have so dropped in cool points.
Spencer Carlin: What kind of guys do you like then? the bad boy, the skater? Oh, wait, no, you like the tortured poets. That's it c'mon.
Ashley Davies: No... they all suck. They all think "hello" means "put your hands all over me" in testostereneese.
Spencer Carlin: No, it's the kiss. I so hate the kiss, they try to suffocate you with their tongue. Ew!
Ashley Davies: I know, I know! And all they do is sit around and talk about themselves forever.
Spencer Carlin: Right. And you have to sit there smiling and nodding...
Ashley Davies: [Ashley and Spencer together] Like you care.
Ashley Davies: I know, it's a good thing that their not the only choice. [puts her hand on Spencer's hand]
Spencer Carlin: [clears her throat] .

TV Show: South of Nowhere
[to Madison]
Sean Miller: You are about as deep as a puddle.

TV Show: South of Nowhere

Madison Duarte: Bite me, "queer eye".
Ashley Davies: Not if you were the last Barbie on earth.

TV Show: South of Nowhere

Spencer Carlin: [after almost kissing Ashley] I can't, not like this.

TV Show: South of Nowhere

Spencer Carlin: [after Spencer's mother has found out about her daughter's sexuality] Why can't you just accept that this is who I am?
Paula Carlin: Because who you are is not acceptable!

TV Show: South of Nowhere

Spencer Carlin: [Ashley gives her some lip gloss] Aw, now you've got me wearing your shade. How convenient, just in case we end up in some spontaneous liplock.
Ashley Davies: Trust me, it won't be spontaneous.

TV Show: South of Nowhere

Spencer Carlin: [seeing Glen and Madison on the couch] Woooooooooo-woo!
Glen Carlin: What the hell did you do to my, sister?
Spencer Carlin: [giggles] Nothing.
Aiden Dennison: I'm not even going to ask what you were doing with my girlfriend. It's pretty obvious.
Glen Carlin: Maybe if you were a better boyfriend, she wouldn't be looking my way.
Aiden Dennison: Man, she's just using you to get to me.
Madison Duarte: Don't you throw that at me.
Spencer Carlin: [drunk] No, no... this is not what it looks like.
Madison Duarte: It's not? Because it looks like you've been getting dressed in the backseat of someone's Nissan Xterra.
Spencer Carlin: Hey Aiden, isn't that what you drive?
Aiden Dennison: Spencer, shut up.
Glen Carlin: Hey, man, you shut up!
Madison Duarte: Both of you shut up. This is all so wrong.
Spencer Carlin: No, no, wait, no. You know what would make this so much more wrong? If Ashley was here! [giggles]
Aiden Dennison, Glen Carlin: Shut up!
Glen Carlin: Did this jackoff get you wasted?
Spencer Carlin: No!
Paula Carlin: Spencer, are you drunk?
Spencer Carlin: [shakes her head] No. [Spencer smiles, but then she vomits all over the floor]
Arthur Carlin: We'll take that as a "yes".

TV Show: South of Nowhere

Spencer Carlin: And who are you?
Ashley Davies: Today I haven't really decided yet.

TV Show: South of Nowhere

Spencer Carlin: It's official, you're an ass.

TV Show: South of Nowhere

Spencer Carlin: What just happened?
Ashley Davies: What always happens when you're around stupid people.

TV Show: South of Nowhere

Spencer Carlin: When I was kissing Aiden, I was thinking about you...

TV Show: South of Nowhere

Spencer Carlin: You hook up with people for no reason at all.
Ashley Davies: Relax okay, she is just a friend. It's nothing to get all jealous over. It's not like you're my girlfriend.

TV Show: South of Nowhere

Ashley Davies: Are we gonna have a rumble, chica?

TV Show: South of Nowhere

Ashley Davies: Are you a basketball fan or do you just enjoy watching guys pat each other on the ass?

TV Show: South of Nowhere

Ashley Davies: I love... these brownies.

TV Show: South of Nowhere

Ashley Davies: Sorry. Me no study a lot.

TV Show: South of Nowhere

Ashley Davies: Triple word score... H-E-R-P-E-S.

TV Show: South of Nowhere

Ashley Davies: Whatever people consider to be normal, it never is.

TV Show: South of Nowhere

Aiden Dennison: I'm listening.
Madison Duarte: That's because you still love me.
Aiden Dennison: No... that's because I'm a whore.

TV Show: South of Nowhere

Aiden Dennison: So what's next?
Ashley Davies: This is LA. We only have a few moments to breathe before we head back into the madness...
Spencer Carlin: Let's hit the madness!

TV Show: South of Nowhere